A Winter Solstice Reflection

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Embracing the Winter Solstice: Reflecting on 2023 and Welcoming 2024


Hello, and welcome to the Two Piers podcast! As we wrap up Season Four and approach the winter solstice on December 21, let's take a moment to reflect on the year gone by, discuss the significance of the winter solstice, and look ahead to the promising possibilities of 2024.

Winter Solstice: A Time for Reflection

Today marks the winter solstice, the longest night of the year in the northern hemisphere. As the darkness envelops us, it prompts introspection and invites us to embrace rest and restoration. In a world that often emphasizes constant activity, finding a balance between restfulness and productivity can be challenging.

Planting Seeds in the Darkness

Despite the societal pressure to be constantly on the go, the winter season offers a unique opportunity for growth. Similar to how muscles grow during the healing process, our periods of rest and rejuvenation play a crucial role in personal development. However, navigating this balance can be particularly tough during the hustle and bustle of the holiday season.

Challenging Light-Dark Dualities

In the midst of winter, the contrast between light and darkness becomes pronounced. It's common to associate light with positivity and darkness with negativity, a concept deeply ingrained in societal narratives. However, Erica challenges this dichotomy, encouraging us to question the implications of categorizing light as inherently good and darkness as inherently bad.

Exploring Darkness: A Poetic Perspective

To delve into this exploration, Erica shares a thought-provoking poem by Wendell Berry titled "To Know the Dark." The poem encourages us to go into the dark without a guiding light, suggesting that darkness itself can bloom and sing, traversed by both dark feet and dark wings. It challenges our inclination to counteract darkness and instead encourages us to welcome and explore it.

Embracing Silence and Stillness

Moving beyond the metaphorical darkness, Erica delves into the discomfort associated with silence and stillness. In a world filled with constant stimuli, the idea of sitting in quiet darkness can be unsettling. Drawing parallels with practices like meditation and yoga, she emphasizes the value of embracing solitude and quiet introspection.

Reflecting on 2023 and Looking Forward to 2024

Shifting focus, Erica takes a moment to reflect on the growth experienced by Two Piers in 2023 across various fronts—podcasting, coaching, consulting, and workshops. Acknowledging the challenges faced in the diversity, equity, and inclusion landscape, she expresses excitement about the organization's commitment to supporting clients in navigating this space effectively.

Resilience Mastermind in 2024

Looking ahead to 2024, Two Piers has exciting plans, including a free monthly webinar series starting with a goal-setting workshop in mid-January. Furthermore, a resilience mastermind in February aims to debunk myths surrounding resilience and equip participants with tools for personal and professional growth in the face of challenges.

Closing Thoughts

As Erica wraps up the podcast episode, she extends gratitude to the audience for their engagement throughout the year. Wishing everyone a peaceful winter solstice, a joyous holiday season, and a happy new year, she expresses anticipation for what lies ahead in 2024.

Whether you're tuning in for the first time or have been a loyal listener, Two Piers looks forward to sharing more insights, perspectives, and growth opportunities in the coming year. See you in 2024!