Exploring Resilience, Endurance and Confidence - with Professional Coach LaToia Burkley

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exploring Resilience, Endurance and Confidence - with Professional Coach LaToia Burkley


In a world where resilience is often touted as a defining trait of success, it's essential to delve deeper into its nuances and applications. In this insightful episode of the Two Piers Podcast, host Erica D'Eramo engages in a candid conversation with Professional Coach LaToia Burkley. Together, they offer diverse perspectives on resilience, endurance, impostor syndrome (or phenomenon), and self-advocacy. Let's explore the highlights and key takeaways from their discussion.

Resilience: Beyond Bouncing Back

Resilience and Identity:

LaToia Burkley shares her personal journey, underscoring the power of connection and the resilience of the human spirit. Through heartfelt conversations with Erica D'Eramo, LaToia emphasizes the importance of demystifying resilience, especially for women of color, and shares her own struggles and triumphs.

Resilience in Professional Development:

LaToia challenges the conventional notion of resilience, particularly in the context of women's professional journeys. She raises pertinent questions about its relevance and potential drawbacks, advocating for a nuanced understanding tailored to individual needs.

Endurance: Navigating Challenging Terrain

Recognizing Toxic Environments:

LaToia Burkley highlights the importance of discerning when endurance becomes detrimental, particularly in toxic work environments. Prioritizing mental and physical well-being emerges as a crucial theme, urging individuals to evaluate the sustainability of their circumstances.

Unraveling Societal Expectations:

Erica D'Eramo delves into the intricacies of endurance, urging listeners to question the underlying motivations behind societal expectations. LaToia echoes this sentiment, emphasizing the need to break free from generational ideologies and cultural norms to foster personal growth and success.

Impostor Syndrome: Navigating Self-Doubt

Acknowledging Uncertainty:

LaToia Burkley candidly discusses the pervasive nature of impostor syndrome in work environments, advocating for the acknowledgment and validation of feelings of uncertainty. Building confidence through consistent actions and self-advocacy emerges as a crucial strategy.

Reframing Confidence:

Erica challenges the term "impostor syndrome," suggesting a shift towards acknowledging the environmental factors that contribute to it. She underscores the importance of advocating for oneself and navigating negotiations with confidence rooted in past achievements and experiences.

Embracing Growth and Self-Awareness

Normalizing Vulnerability:

Both Erica and LaToia emphasize the importance of embracing vulnerability and self-awareness in professional settings. Normalizing courageous conversations and recognizing the complexities of human emotions emerge as pivotal in fostering personal and professional growth.

Seeking Support and Guidance:

LaToia invites listeners to engage in self-reflection and seek support in defining values and setting boundaries. Through coaching and professional development opportunities, individuals can cultivate resilience, endurance, and confidence in navigating their unique paths.


This conversation with LaToia Burkley provides profound insights into resilience, endurance, and self-advocacy. By embracing vulnerability, challenging societal norms, and seeking support, individuals can embark on a journey of personal growth and empowerment. As we navigate the complexities of life and work, let's remember the power of community and sources of support in forging our own paths to success.

To Connect with LaToia:

Check our her website for Your Big Debut, or visit them on Instagram. You can also connect with LaToia or follow Your Big Debut on LinkedIn.